International Distributors
The services: Warranty & Maintenance, MTK, Repair & Recycling are only available trough your local dealer. For conditions and prizes ask him directly.
Österreich | .AT
Distributor: Elimpex GesmbH"Elimpex supplies over 2000 products for quality control, radiation protection, radiation monitoring, patient procedures and more."
Belgium | .BE
Distributor: Nuclemed"Nuclemed has been for more than 25 years a premium distributor in the field of PET and Nuclear Medicine products, including the sentinel node probes of Crystal Photonics since its beginning."
España | .ES
Distributor: Elecmed Medical Systems S.L."Nuevo servicio de alquiler de sonda para ganglio Centinela."
India | .IN
Distributor: Sanlar Imex Services Pvt. Ltd." and supplying hi tech engineering products in the field of Nuclear Medicine..."

Italy | .IT
Distributor: Gamma Servizi S.r.l."Everything for Medical Imaging."
Poland | .PL
Distributor: Canberra Packard Sp. z o.o."We are representing the leaders in the field of medical radiation detection & measurement, diagnostic, and therapy equipment."